Tuesday 9 September 2008

Total And Free PSA (PSA/fPSA) Assays Now Available For The Olympus AU3000i Immunoassay Analyser


Latest News For Prostate / Prostate Cancer
Institute Scientist Receives Global Award To Aid The Fight Against Prostate Cancer
21 Aug 2008

Obese Prostate Cancer Patients May Benefit More From Brachytherapy
20 Aug 2008

Total And Free PSA (PSA/fPSA) Assays Now Available For The Olympus AU3000i Immunoassay Analyser
20 Aug 2008

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Treating Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Many work force will have advanced prostate cancer without any noticeable symptoms. Treatment for these patients is a spot different than for other patients with prostate cancer. Learn around these differences...

Treating Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Many men will have advanced prostate cancer without any noticeable symptoms. Treatment for these patients is a bit different than for other patients with prostate cancer. Learn about these differences...

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Saturday 30 August 2008

MIT subway hack a lesson for L.A. Metro?

I just read through the entire dramatic 87-page PowerPoint presentation by the kids world Health Organization hacked Boston's T subway system ticketing organization -- and then got sued for it [via Globe] (they got sued, not me).�

If you've ever wondered how to reverse engineer those magnetic transportation cards to give yourself unlimited funds, or how to use of goods and services sophisticated radio set wave sniffing equipment to crack the turnstile computers (see image), or regular yearned to discover the location of vulnerable network jacks inside open rooms at T stations -- it's all here.

The three students behind the hack, which T officials said could cause "meaning damage to the transit system," volition participate in a federal hearing Tuesday where the T has named MIT as a negligent party in the creation of the offending project.�

You canful understand why the Boston transpo regime would be in hot water: Suddenly the major vulnerabilities of their unexampled and expensive ticketing system are all over the Internet. And worse, the system whose security they were responsible for for was turned into shredded wheat by a bunch of greenhorn engineering students (smart ones, mind you -- but still).�

If you come after the way the students interpret the bar code on the cards, you'll see that the magnetic data they contain is unencrypted. It's sort of like the T's wit reading scheme is built like a closed door -- that someone left unlocked.�

It power be an expensive moral for the T, simply it's probably worth it for the rest of us. Transportation officials all over the place will no dubiety be conducting audits of their possess systems to avoid similar humiliation. And the L.A. Metro system -- which if you're ever been a rider and seen how under the weather enforced its "honors system" riding rules are -- should be the number 1 to peep in the mirror.

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Asthma In Boys May Be Just A Phase, But For Girls It May Be There To Stay

�Boys whitethorn be more apt than girls to have childhood asthma, but, when compared to girls, they are also more likely to grow out of it in adolescence and have a reduced incidence of asthma in the post-pubertal years. This indicates that there may be a buried mechanism in bronchial asthma development, according to a prospective survey that analyzed airway responsiveness (AR) in more than 1,000 children with mild to moderate bronchial asthma over a period of about nine years.

"We wanted to investigate what was in arrears the observed sex differences in asthma attack rates and AR," says lead researcher, Kelan G. Tantisira, M.D., M.P.H., of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. "This is the get-go study to prospectively examine the natural history of sex differences in bronchial asthma in this manner."

Their results appeared in the second progeny for August of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, published by the American Thoracic Society.

Dr. Tantisira and colleagues used information from the ongoing Childhood Asthma Management Program (CAMP) that enrolled 1041 children from 5 to 12 years of age with mild to moderate dour asthma and performed annual spirometric testing with methacholine challenges to quantify their AR.

After an ordinary of 8.6 days and each individual had undergone eight-spot to nine annual methacholine challenges, the researchers were able to identify a clear radiation diagram: when it came to the amount of mecholyl it took to fire airway constriction, the girls' reactivity did not change markedly o'er the years. In contrast, boys became increasingly large-minded over metre to larger and bigger doses of methacholine, suggesting a possible decrease in disease rigor. By the age of 16, it took more than doubly as much methacholine to provoke a 20 percent constriction in the boys' airway on average as it did with the girls.

What's more, by age 18, only 14 percent of the girls did non demonstrate whatever significant degree of airways responsiveness, compared to 27 percent of boys.

"While our results were non unexpected, they do point to intriguing potential mechanisms, to excuse the gender differences in asthma incidence and rigorousness. Especially intriguing is that the differences in gender begin at the time of transition into early puberty." said Dr. Tantisira.

This study into the natural history and sex differences in asthma simon Marks the beginning of what many hope will be a long investigation into the national.

"It will be of great involvement to pursue these children over time to see what happens with AR and badness of asthma in maturity," wrote Jorrit Gerritson, M.D., Ph.D., in an concomitant editorial.

This is precisely Dr. Tantisira's next step: Dr. Tantisira and colleagues now have 12 days of information for the cohort, and is looking at into investigation the characteristics of the individuals wHO attained clinically "normal" AR during follow-up. "Most of the original cohort has now reached adulthood," aforementioned Dr. Tantisira. "We are now able to perform a secondary analysis with an emphasis on those who have reached clinical 'normalcy.'"

This news brief is based on an article published in the American Thoracic Society's peer-reviewed diary, the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

About the American Thoracic Society

Founded in 1905, the American Thoracic Society is the world's leading medical association dedicated to advancing pulmonary, critical care and sleep medication. The Society has more than 15,000 members who prevent and combat respiratory disease around the globe, through research, education, patient upkeep and advocacy.

American Thoracic Society

More info

Sunday 10 August 2008

Salvador Candel and Carlos Fiel

Salvador Candel and Carlos Fiel   
Artist: Salvador Candel and Carlos Fiel

New Age


Tengo Un Gran Amor   
 Tengo Un Gran Amor

   Year: 1996   
Tracks: 10


Tuesday 1 July 2008

Rihanna: Chris' Mom Approves!

RihannaRihanna's got mom's seal of approval.

The hitmaking beauty made a trip to GBK Productions' Fire & Ice gifting lounge for the BET Awards over the weekend with her...

Thursday 19 June 2008


Artist: Dynamic

Trance: Psychedelic


Dynamic Sound   
 Dynamic Sound

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 8


   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10


   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10


Dallas museum exhibit features life of stylish couple Sara and Gerald Murphy

Thursday 12 June 2008

Mole defence takes hits at Kelly child porn trial

CHICAGO - It was R. Kelly's own lawyer who raised the issue at the start of the R&B superstar's child pornography trial: If you don't see a fingernail-sized mole on the lower back of the man in the sex tape at the centre of the case, then that man isn't Kelly.

Jurors last week watched a 1.2-by-1.2 metre monitor where freeze frames of the man's back were shown. And there, just above his waistline, was a mark that forensic's expert Grant Fredericks said appeared to be a mole. He compared the frames with 2002 police photos of Kelly's back, concluding the spots were "in the exact same position."

The testimony was among the most dramatic yet in the three-week-old trial and potentially the most damaging for Kelly. It seemed the defence had been caught in a trap they'd set themselves, and Kelly and his lawyers appeared disheartened as they looked on.

Kelly, 41, frequently appeared bored during hours of technical testimony about the 27-minute video last week. But he looked more attentive, if stressed, on Thursday when Fredericks addressed the mole issue.

Kelly, who won a Grammy Award in 1997 for the song "I Believe I Can Fly" and whose biggest hits are raunchy ballads like "Ignition," is charged with child pornography for allegedly videotaping himself having sex with a female who prosecutors say was as young as 13. He's pleaded not guilty and faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted.

Both Kelly and the alleged victim, who is now 23, deny it's them in the video.

There was no testimony Friday or over the weekend, and the trial was set to resume Monday.

Kelly's lawyers still have a chance to try to revive their mole defence when they start calling their own witnesses.

During May 20 opening statements, defence lawyer Sam Adam Jr. was emphatic on the question of the mole.

"Either Robert isn't the man on that tape or he's a magician - because there's no mole," Adam had said, referring to Kelly by his birth name.

Adam, pacing before jurors, his voice booming, instructed jurors to look for the mole on the graphic video, which was entered into evidence by prosecutors as "People's Exhibit No. 1" and played in open court after opening statements.

Defence lawyer Ed Genson grilled Fredericks in cross-examination Thursday, suggesting that the spot in the video faded in and out of view and arguing that it could have been a technical imperfection on the tape.

"The spot - it's there, it's not there. It's there, it's not there," Genson said, pointing to a monitor as it played successive frames of the tape where a man turns his back to the camera and begins taking off his pants.

The mole wasn't the only focus of scrutiny.

Witnesses for the prosecution last week also countered claims by the defence that Kelly's likeness could have been computer generated - in the same way Hollywood technicians create realistic-looking characters in movies.

Fredericks and another forensics expert testified that digitally altering the nearly half-hour video - 100,000 frames on the entire footage - would be practically impossible, requiring that someone to go through each frame to calibrate everything from shadows to blinks of an eye so that they all move in perfect sync.

Fredericks estimated that fabricating such a film would take 44 years to complete - meaning someone would have had to start the project before Kelly was born.

See Also

Friday 6 June 2008

Morrissey Names Years Of Refusal Album

Morrissey havs provided a title for his next studio album, 'Years Of Refusal'.

The record is tentatively set for a September release date and is said to feature 12 new tracks. Producer Jerry Finn worked on the album.

In other news, Morrissey's 1995 long-player 'Southpaw Grammar' will be reissued in July as a remastered version, including new artwork and three formerly unreleased songs.

See Also

Thursday 29 May 2008

Transformers cameo for Office star

Rainn Wilson, one of the stars of the US version of 'The Office', will have a cameo role in the 'Transformers' sequel.
Speaking to MTV, the actor said that he would play a professor in the blockbuster.
'Transformers 2' is due in cinemas in June 2009.
Among Wilson's other film credits are 'Juno', 'The Last Mimzy' and 'My Super Ex-Girlfriend'.

Saturday 24 May 2008

Boy band mogul Pearlman sentenced to 25 years

ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Boy band mogul Lou Pearlman, who launched the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync, was sentenced on Wednesday to 25 years in prison for swindling investors and major U.S. banks out of more than $300 million.

In an audacious two-decade-long scam, Pearlman enticed individuals and banks to invest millions of dollars in two companies that existed only on paper and won the confidence of investors with strong but fake financial statements created by a fictitious accounting firm, according to his plea agreement.

U.S. Judge G. Kendall Sharp held up a book with letters from Pearlman's victims, saying they included "his family, his close friends and people in their 70s and 80s who have lost their life savings."

"So the sympathy factor doesn't run high with the court," Sharp said.

Pearlman, 53, unsuccessfully sought to delay his sentencing to allow time to launch his latest creation, European pop band US 5, in the United States and Asia.

Pearlman said he was developing US 5 at the time of his arrest and the bankruptcy trustees for his companies agreed he had the potential to earn "significant profits" on the band -- money that could be used to pay restitution to his victims.

Pearlman proposed a plan for him to have supervised access to a telephone and Internet connection while in custody to pursue the business plan.

Federal prosecutors opposed the plan, noting that Pearlman's fraud proved he could not be trusted in conducting business by phone or Internet.

(Editing by Jim Loney and John O'Callaghan)

Muppet creator's life screen bound

A new biopic about the life and work of 'The Muppets' creator Jim Henson is to be made.
Empire Film Group, Inc has acquired the motion picture production and distribution rights to Robert D Slane's screenplay 'Henson'.
The film is due to begin production in the late summer with a budget of $30m.
Commenting, Empire Home Entertainment President Eric Parkinson said: "Jim Henson is one of the best known and most beloved entertainers of all time. His story is inspiring, tragic, heartwarming and epic, and will make for an important and entertaining motion picture."

Celestial Winds

Celestial Winds   
Artist: Celestial Winds

New Age


Oceans Of Love   
 Oceans Of Love

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 11

Christmas Morning   
 Christmas Morning

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 13

Celestial Winds I   
 Celestial Winds I

Tracks: 14


New Carlos Santana/Miles Davis Art Exhibition Opens

A new fine art and memorabilia exhibition, "A Tribute To Miles Davis and Carlos Santana [ tickets ]," opened in San Francisco May 15 at Lush Life Gallery, which is part of The Jazz Heritage Center in The Fillmore, according to a press release. The art show was scheduled in May to coincide with Davis' birthday month and with the release of Santana's new career-spanning 2-CD set, "Multi Dimensional Warrior." "A Tribute To Miles Davis and Carlos Santana," which runs through July 30, features multimedia works of art including limited edition photographs and sculptures, and original paintings. Rare artifacts and memorabilia related to Davis and Santana also will be on display.Santana is set to perform two club dates, May 20-21, at The Fillmore to celebrate his new release and the exhibition's opening.

Billy Idol Records Two New Songs for 'The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself,' to Be Released June 24 by Capitol/EMI

Two Brand New Billy Idol Songs Exclusively Featured on Career-Spanning CD,
Deluxe Edition CD/DVD & Digital Album; Deluxe Edition Debuts 13 Music
Videos on DVD
Idol to Perform on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' Outdoor Stage June 24

HOLLYWOOD, Calif., May 1 -- Billy Idol has recorded two
brand new songs for The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself, a new
career-spanning CD, Deluxe Edition CD/DVD and digital collection to be
released June 24 by Capitol/EMI. The two songs, "John Wayne" and "New
Future Weapon," will be exclusively available on the new release, which
features all seven of Idol's Top 10 hits among its 18 tracks, including two
#1s. The Deluxe Edition adds 13 music videos making their DVD release
debuts, including two alternate video edits that have never before been
released in any format. The CD and CD/DVD packages are both designed by
Shepard Fairey and include liner notes by David Wild.

(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20080501/LATH107)

The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself gathers together the
music that Billy Idol has taken to stages all around the world, as well as
two brand new songs. The new tracks find the man still at the peak of his
powers, working with longtime partner and guitar great Steve Stevens and
his other current band members, drummer and songwriting collaborator Brian
Tichy and keyboardist Derek Sherinian. On June 24, Idol will perform songs
from the new release on the outdoor stage of ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

Of his new song "John Wayne," Idol says, "When I'm singing it, I'm
thinking about the characters John Wayne played. They were usually men with
a flaw in their character or something dark in their past they're trying to
rise above before the end of the movie. So it's not about the
kick-in-the-door John Wayne or the barroom fight John Wayne -- it's more
the man who overcomes."

Of the collection's other new track, "New Future Weapon," Idol says, "I
was reading about the new stealth fighter plane the Raptor, and I was
struck by the ambivalence of the pilot talking about the enemy. Musically,
it's got a bit of the Spaghetti Western about it. It's a sick song, as you
might expect."

The two new songs are produced by Josh Abraham, whose production
discography includes Velvet Revolver's double platinum, Grammy
Award-winning Contraband, 30 Seconds To Mars' platinum A Beautiful Lie,
Staind's eight-times platinum Break The Cycle and double platinum 14 Shades
of Grey, Limp Bizkit's seven-times platinum Chocolate Starfish and the Hot
Dog Flavored Water, and Courtney Love's America's Sweetheart, among many

The Deluxe Edition CD/DVD adds 13 music videos that helped forever
define Idol as a rock icon, including previously unreleased edits of
"Cradle Of Love" and "Hot In The City." "We worked hard so there would be
some consistency to the videos and so we wouldn't have to be embarrassed
one day," Idol says. "We sweated over them -- video hell, we would call
it." As with his vital music, Idol liked to use his videos to shake things
up as much as possible. "That was a pretty bland time of corporate rock and
afternoon television music, and we wanted to bring in a little more danger
and after hours fun into it," he explains. "Maybe that's why we looked like

Part of the Bromley Contingent of early Sex Pistols fans, Billy Idol
was inspired to front the popular British punk band Generation X from 1976
until the band's break-up in 1981. From there, he decided to try his luck
in America. "I definitely took punk with me wherever I've gone," Idol says.
"That was the whole idea really. I wanted to transform my music, but I
didn't want to ever lose sight of that punk rock attitude. Whether we
turned to hard rock or disco or whatever the hell else we did over the
years, that helped give the music a spirit it would not have had if I
hadn't come out of the punk movement."

Idol's first solo album was released by Chrysalis in 1982, but it
didn't hit its chart peak until the following year. The self-titled album's
"White Wedding" and "Dancing With Myself" (a new version of a song Idol
first recorded with Generation X) were major club hits in 1983, fueled by
heavy video play on MTV. "White Wedding" also crossed over to the Top 5 of
the Mainstream Rock chart, while "Hot In The City" made the Top 50 of the
Billboard Hot 100, and Billy Idol was certified gold with U.S. sales
totaling more than 500,000 units.

Idol really smashed through with his 1984 double platinum album, Rebel
Yell. Stocked with major radio and MTV hits, including "Rebel Yell," "Eyes
Without A Face," "Flesh For Fantasy" and "Catch My Fall," the album reached
#6 on the Billboard 200.

1987's platinum-selling Vital Idol collection presented his hits in
expanded remixes, including the chart-topping smash "Mony, Mony;" that same
year, Idol released a new album, the platinum Top 10 Whiplash Smile, with
its standout singles "To Be A Lover" and "Don't Need A Gun." The
platinum-certified Charmed Life album followed in 1990 with "Cradle Of
Love" and "L.A. Woman." 1993's Cyberpunk included the Top 10 Mainstream
Rock hit "Shock To The System." A platinum-selling Greatest Hits
collection, released in 2000, re-charged Idol's catalog, and 12 years after
his last new album release, he returned with Devil's Playground in 2005
(Sanctuary). The album's "World Comin' Down" is included in the new
collection's tracks.

"It's funny what you have to do to carve out your own niche," Idol says
with a laugh when asked about the new collection's Idolize Yourself title.
"But everyone should idolize themselves, shouldn't they?" The niche that
Billy Idol has created over these past few decades is no laughing matter.
Beyond the platinum sound and the platinum hair, Idol is respected as the
original punk rocker who long ago found a way to take that sneering punk
attitude to the top of the charts.

Listening back to The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself, the
man himself felt a real sense of pride. "I was knocked out," Idol says.
"For all the up and downs, there's some quality there. So I feel like I can
walk into my house justified. The highs were very high -- sometimes too
high -- and the lows were low, but somehow it still holds up."

The Very Best Of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself (CD, Digital Album & Deluxe
Edition CD/DVD)

1. Dancing With Myself 10. Sweet Sixteen
2. Hot In The City 11. Mony, Mony (Live)
3. White Wedding Part 1 12. Cradle Of Love
4. Rebel Yell 13. L.A. Woman
5. Eyes Without A Face 14. Shock To The System
6. Flesh For Fantasy 15. Speed
7. Catch My Fall 16. World Comin' Down
8. To Be A Lover 17. John Wayne -- new exclusive track
9. Don't Need A Gun 18. New Future Weapon -- new exclusive track

DVD (Deluxe Edition CD/DVD)
1. Dancing With Myself
2. Hot In The City (Uncensored Version) -- previously unreleased
3. White Wedding, Part 1
4. Rebel Yell
5. Eyes Without A Face
6. Flesh For Fantasy
7. Catch My Fall
8. To Be A Lover
9. Don't Need A Gun
10. Sweet Sixteen
11. Mony, Mony (Live)
12. Cradle Of Love (Extended Billy Idol Only Version) -- previously
13. L.A. Woman

Stallone faced Rambo death threats

Sylvester Stallone has said he received a number of death threats while filming the new Rambo movie. Watch an exclusive clip here.
The 61-year-old star said he received threats over the Burmese troubles, which are touched on in the film.
Stallone said: "Yes, got them all the time. It's a very dangerous part of the world. A lot of people do disappear and you know they didn't want this film to be made."
He continued: "The civil wars have been going on for 60 years and no one knows about it because they pay a fortune to keep it quiet."
Twenty years have passed since Rambo last appeared on the big screen, now Stallone has revived the franchise with this fourth instalment in which Vietnam veteran John Rambo is called back into action to rescue a group of Christian Aid workers held hostage by Burmese militia.
He said: "This is the greatest action film, mainly because it's a real story. As we are speaking people are being destroyed. Hopefully we can bring awareness to this."
The 18-certificate film is said to be the bloodiest Rambo yet. Stallone said: "War is a horrifying situation. If anyone's dropped into a war zone you come back damaged the rest of your life. The film has got a responsibility; if you're going to make a war let's show it the way it is."
Asked what the secret was to his fitness regime his answer was "fish, fish, fish".
The first Rambo film, 'First Blood', was released in 1982 with sequels in 1985 and 1988. Stallone has joked previously: "I feel like I'm 20 again - but with arthritis."
"I tried to ignore the scepticism about my age and just get on with making films. The stunts in 'Rambo' were pretty hard but I still did all but one of them myself," he said.
Stallone has admitted that the last Rambo film was a "crock of crap" and says the franchise is now returning to its roots.
'Rambo' is released in Irish cinemas on Friday 22 February.

Sugababes star Berrabah is arrested

Sugababes singer Amelle Berrabah has been arrested over allegedly attacking a car and causing criminal damage to it.
According to the BBC, police confirmed that a 23-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage and a public order offence.
The arrest stems from an incident which allegedly took place on 9 January.
The singer has now reportedly been bailed to appear at Aldershot Police Station on 21 February. Berrabah's boyfriend Freddie Fuller recently sustained serious arm and leg injuries in machete attack.